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⚙️️ How to use different LLM's

Fortunately there are many providers for LLM's and some of them can even be ran locally

There are two models used in the app:

  1. Embeddings
  2. Text generation

By default we use OpenAI's models but if you want to change it or even run it locally, its very simple!

Go to .env file or set environment variables:

LLM_NAME=<your Text generation>

API_KEY=<api_key for Text generation>

EMBEDDINGS_NAME=<llm for embeddings>

EMBEDDINGS_KEY=<api_key for embeddings>

VITE_API_STREAMING=<true or false (true if using openai, false for all others)>

You dont need to provide keys if you are happy with users providing theirs, so make sure you set LLM_NAME and EMBEDDINGS_NAME

LLM_NAME (openai, manifest, cohere, Arc53/docsgpt-14b, Arc53/docsgpt-7b-falcon)
EMBEDDINGS_NAME (openai_text-embedding-ada-002, huggingface_sentence-transformers/all-mpnet-base-v2, huggingface_hkunlp/instructor-large, cohere_medium)

That's it!

Hosting everything locally and privately (for using our optimised open-source models)

If you are working with important data and dont want anything to leave your premises.

Make sure you set SELF_HOSTED_MODEL as true in you .env variable and for your LLM_NAME you can use anything that's on Hugging Face

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